Online Lifestyle Magazine for Healthcare Workers by Pulse Uniform

Author Archives: Timotheo Lorenzo F

What Kind of Nurse Are You?

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Nurses are known for their dedication and efforts in ensuring the wellness of everyone. We see them in clinics and hospitals attending to patients and operate medical equipments. Accordingly, we all have met a nurse and if you are actually one, there is a chance of yourself getting included on this list: What kind of […]

What Healthcare Professionals Ought to Know About Ebola Virus?

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More than 1,400 people have died from the Ebola Virus as of August 2014, mostly from West Africa as the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declares the outbreak as an international health emergency. This week, the first confirmed British patient landed in the United Kingdom, and Donald Trump was fuming on his tweet: Even though […]

Music: Playing the Notes and Keys to Wellness

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There are several components that serve as essential foundations of good health. These underlying factors run into a vast stream of succession all aimed to improve and better the health of everyone. Factors that present themselves obviously before us – medicines and drugs are situated at the top of the list. However, there are simple […]

Courage in the Face of Terror: The Story of Irena Sendler

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“If someone is drowning, you have to give them your hand. When the war started, all of Poland was drowning in a sea of blood, and those who were drowning the most were the Jews. And among the Jews, the worst off were the children. So I had to give them my hand.” -Irena Sendler […]

Cell Phone Use While Driving

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Today, almost all individuals own a mobile phone. It is not surprising for it is a fact that we all need these devices to communicate with people much easier. It’s better than writing a telegram and sending letters in envelopes. Unarguably, it makes life easier. But all things don’t come in better outcomes alone. Mobile phones, […]

Treat Yourself an iPad Air this Back to School Season

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We, together with our loved ones, indulge in several activities during special seasons throughout the year. These are the times of finding relief and happiness, considerably a celebration of all things in life. However, lights will temporarily shut off, curtains will close and bottles will be emptied opening the way towards much more important responsibilities […]