Online Lifestyle Magazine for Healthcare Workers by Pulse Uniform

3 Feasible Methods to Find More Disease Cures

Technology has produced incredible results in the arena of health sciences. Since the beginning of 20th century, medical scientists have succeeded in discovering effective methodologies to control a host of maladies including measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, smallpox, and typhoid. And according to the World Health Organization, these discoveries helped more than double human lifespans over the past century. However, according to the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, only fewer than 1,000 have truly effective cures out of more than 10000 known disorders.

Share Department of Veterans Affairs Data

Wider accessibility of data collected by nation’s veterans for unique health needs – with strong privacy safeguards for patient identity and their personal information – will assist researchers to develop more effective treatments and therapies better and faster. It should be our goal to deliver every veteran access to cures and treatments that are equal to or better than currently practiced ones at top medical centers.

Approach Constitutional Authorities for Cures Act

The legislation is a state power, and if it passes Acts for health purposes, it will accelerate cures for various horrible medical conditions and help discover better treatments and achieve precision medicine for a particular issue. It assures patient-oriented drug development, expands compassionate usage of new drugs, and serve as a rigor to clinical trials. Such a bill also addresses antibiotic resistance, review of available vaccines, and strengthens the nation’s research infrastructure.

Build A Funding Goal and Stand upon It

nss2erzqwgw-freestocks-orgA renewed commitment to medical research could save, extend or better millions of lives. An already strong bipartisan help and support for such a dedicated commitment recognizes that investment on the front end will help lower Medicare and other expenses later. After pooling up for several years, the NIH budget peaked in 2003. However, due to fluctuating economy and rising inflation rate, it has been challenging for researchers to pursue their work. Young scientists, who must dedicate more than a decade on their studies and training programs, begin to lose hopes and confidence that meaningful opportunities will be readily available for them later in their professional career. That’s why most of them demand consistency of funding. These are among the significant challenges that Congress and President Trump must face as there is a growing number of Americans dealing with the aging health issues.

Fortunately, innovation in medical technology has brought us cures and methods to control various life-threatening health issues. However, there is need of further researches to a deeper level for increasing aging issues with Americans and new emerging medical conditions globally today. The three practical ways to find cures for such diseases are: easy access to veteran’s data by veterans and researchers, passing Cures Act, and building a funding goal with strong commitment. The concerned authorities and medical organizations with combined focus for the cause can bring spectacular results in the health industry.



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