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Infant Immunization Week – Why it needs to be celebrated?

Parents following the recent style of delaying or skipping vaccines has put a lot of children at risk for diseases like Hib, whooping cough and measles. With Infant Immunization week just around the corner and a heated debate on the merits of vaccination us look at why this week is so important? National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is a yearly observance to put light on the matters dealing with protecting of infants from vaccine-preventable diseases and celebrate the targets of immunization programs in promoting happy healthy communities.

Since 1994, many of communities across the United States have come together to celebrate the vital role vaccination plays in protecting their children, communities, and public health. The week is observed from April 16th-23rd of this year.


Why should you say yes to vaccination?

Vaccines are recommended for infants because their immune systems are not yet fully mature and also because their stomachs produce less acid, making it easier for ingested bacteria and viruses to multiply. This can lead the child to contract many diseases.

A mother’s womb it is in a sterile environment and the baby’s development is protected by all bacteria then. The baby’s immune system starts working once it reacts to outside world, as the child confronts bacteria outside of the womb. Infants begin to immediately develop an active immune response to these bacteria — an immune response that prevents these bacteria from entering the bloodstream and causing harm. You should say yes to vaccination because not only it protect your child but also other children from contracting the diseases. Schools are taking strict protocol to ensure all the admitted students are vaccinated as per schedule.

Why is timing so important?

Doctors and public health experts have made a schedule to ensure the maximum safety be provided to your children. Therefore it’s not advisable to skip or delay vaccinations. Not only do babies need to get correct vaccinations they also need to get them on schedule. According to the Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons, children of ages 0-6 may receive up to 24 vaccinations to protect them from up to 14 diseases by the time they’re 2 years of age. It may seem like a lot of vaccines for a child, but some parents are unnecessarily concerned. Parents should openly discuss their concerns with children’s pediatrician to ensure the best is provided to their children.

What should we do this Immunization Week 2016? 

First we need to make sure that all our kids are protected and have received their said shots. Next we need to work on our neighborhood and community. Encourage people to get their infants immunized. Not only does it protect their child it also protect yours. With shared schools, swimming pools and commute – its very likely that a diseases will spread faster if children are not vaccinated.

Aim to protect your communities today!





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