4 Ways To Make Old Scrub Tops New Without The Stitches
What will you do with your old nursing scrub tops? Make a quilt? Make a rug? Make a tote bag? Hmmm… Why not refashion them? You will not just have “new” nursing scrub tops and save from another spending, but also help the environment keep less clutter.
Here are some cool tips in refashioning your old nursing scrubs!
Turn your ideas into printed words.
Words to cheer up patients or the entire ward are not easily spoken when all is busy. Why not print the best words you want to say to them? Simple words like “I think you’re doing better everyday,” are enough for the patient to look forward to his or her improvements in the coming days.
Print an image with funny quote.
Stir up fun by adding an image print with which everyone can easily relate to. It can be about family, work, or love. And when added with a funny quote, you might just turn a boring day into a hilarious one. You may also put inspirational quotations.
Tie dye.
You’re old scrub top will not look as old as you think it is when you have it tie dyed. You can do that by dying the portions that you want to get the color and design that you have in mind. There are tie dye kits that can be bought for an easy dying
Glue a logo.
Whether it’s the logo of your favorite NBA team, health organization, or any group you belong to, it will surely make a big difference at how your old scrub top looks. Very quick and easy.
Before you add anything to your old scrub tops, make sure the hospital where you are working allow such customizations. If not, better turn them into other valuable things. If yes, start thinking for the coolest ideas to put to your scrub tops.