Online Lifestyle Magazine for Healthcare Workers by Pulse Uniform

Tag Archives: cold

8 Easy Tips – Say No to Flu and Cough This Season

Every year, a typical adult can contact with two or three cold, tells the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. So, here are the necessary tips from the health experts to help you skip the annual vaccine and set you ready for the healthiest season ahead: 1. Breakfast with Yogurt Easing your digestive distress can […]

Is your Cold Medicine causing your brain to shrink?

If over-the-counter anticholinergic medications, such as Benadryl, Tylenol and Advil are your go-to drug for headache or pain – you need to heed this warning!  A new study shows that taking these over-the-counter drugs can be harmful to the brain and cause it to shrink. Anticholinergic are kind of drugs that block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain. The […]