Category Archives: Features
How do physicians and nurses live their pledge of giving the best patient care?
Cell Phone Use While Driving
Today, almost all individuals own a mobile phone. It is not surprising for it is a fact that we all need these devices to communicate with people much easier. It’s better than writing a telegram and sending letters in envelopes. Unarguably, it makes life easier. But all things don’t come in better outcomes alone. Mobile phones, […]
Is the Tradition of Wearing White Lab Coats Dying?
“No matter if you are a proponent for or against physicians wearing the white coat; it is difficult to deny that it remains a universally recognized symbol of the profession.” –Leah Lawrence The white coat has been a traditional symbol of the medical profession since the late 1900’s. Televisions, movies, commercials and illustrations all often […]
Awareness: Suicide
Suicide is a serious, horrifying and unfortunate incident. Everyone must take notice of occurrences such as this for life must be treasured and it is best for everyone to not just let it completely go to waste. In 2010, there were 38,364 suicide cases in the United States with an average of 105 each day […]
HIV/AIDS: What You Need to Know About this Prevalent Disease
A lot of diseases had been taking place on humanity’s seemingly vulnerable self. Diseases that stand as a large shard in the lives of those unfortunate individuals. Accordingly, several of these diseases are tackled across the world and one of them is HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS is a disease of the human immune system that has spread […]
PU Shares Video on How to Avoid Skin Cancer
After the successful feature of the Drive Sober video in the Community Education Section of Pulse Uniform, the company is sharing again another educational material entitled Avoid Skin Cancer. The recently shared video of Pulse Uniform in its Community Education Section primarily tackles the importance of protecting the skin whenever a person decides to spend […]