Different Ways to Remove Stains on Your Fave Scrubs
We each have our own favorite nursing scrubs and although we try to avoid it, spills of coffee, blood and other body fluids are just part and parcel of a long shift at work. Getting it back to its pristine condition could be a problem. Oftentimes, we make the mistake of simply giving up. Instead of trying to remove the stain some just put it in the back and not wear it, which is such a waste when there are so many ways available to bring back the color, remove the stain as well as make our nursing whites even whiter.
Chlorine bleach is one of the most effective ways to remove stains, especially on whites, but a lot of people really want to get away from using chlorine bleach. Household bleach in the bottle usually has a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, which means 5.25% of the liquid is the chemical sodium hypochlorite and the rest is mostly water. And environmental and public health officials believe that chlorine bleach can have a negative effect on human health and the environment that is why they caution people on overusing it. Also, precaution should be taken to avoid mixing it with other household and cleaning products as this can result in the formation of other harmful acids.
This news should not make doing the laundry a daunting task. There are so many ways to make doing the laundry and removing stains so much easier. All one has to do is look at the cupboard and see what household products you can use. It’s easy enough to start with what you have at home rather than going for commercial bleaching solutions which can also be harsh on the fabric of your favorite scrubs and even your hands.
Pulse Uniform’s Nurse Corner which features a lot of articles and resources recently came out with an article on removing stains from your garments, which makes it easier for busy professionals to take care of their nurse scrubs. Different situations and the most common stains like lipstick, perspiration, deodorant stains, blood, and others call for different ways of removing it. These are all given as suggestions but the good thing is the bottom line is also included. The basics or fundamentals of removing stains are the most common instructions that anyone who does the laundry should know some of which are:
- Treating the stain as soon as it happens, to blot and not rub so as not to further smear.
- Not to dry and iron before the stain is totally removed as this will set the stain.
- Never use bleach on garments made of silk, spandex, or wool and to let professionals dry clean clothes made of rayon, velvets, silks and some laces.
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