Online Lifestyle Magazine for Healthcare Workers by Pulse Uniform

Tag Archives: moderate drinking

Drink and Live Long?

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Moderate drinkers, those who drink 1 to less than three a day, live longer according to a recent study completed by researchers of University of Texas in Austin and Stanford University in Palo Alto. The study found that among elderly, ages 55 to 65, moderate and even the heavy drinkers were less likely to die […]

A Toast for Good Health!

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Santé! Salute! Za vashe zdorovye! Chuc suc khoe! Good health! Men often utter these words as they toast before a drink. Paradoxically, alcohol has had a bad reputation much like drunkards. Such is gained because of alcohol’s harmful effects to health. It can cause damage to brain, vision- speech coordination, throat, mouth, liver, heart, pancreas, […]