BIGGEST Deal Online from PulseUniform
Nowadays, it seems so hard to find “free items” online. But here at PulseUniform, we offer our customers near “free” deals.
PulseUniform is known for giving freebies and discounts firsthand and as proof to that was when we implemented free shipping on purchases equal to or above $75 last year. WE ARE PROUD TO BE THE FIRST ONLINE STORE BEST SCRUB STORE TO HAVE DONE THAT. Just last week, we have lowered the minimum to $25 dollars – the lowest in the whole wide web. Today, in our desire to greater give our consumers a better purchasing power, we are proud to announce our Biggest 3 in 1 Saving Online promo.
Our Biggest 3 in 1 Saving Online is an all new calibrated system of discounting online. We deem that with this, we give you only the best deal online.
1. Lowest Price Guaranteed – All our items are the lowest priced among our major competitors. We have a monitoring team that makes sure that we give the most affordable items online.
2. Free Shipping on Orders $75 & Above – While we retain the same minimum, we are proud that the 3rd deal is the first ever over the net. Here at PulseUniform we believe that the more you buy the bigger your savings will be. This deal is great for bulk orders that flood our order desks each week.
3. Flat Rate Shipping of $4.99 on Orders below $75 – The breakthrough comes only here at PulseUniform. We can just go business without giving much our customers so we give this flat rate of $4.99 on your orders below $75. No spins, no tricks – you just got the best deal ever.
Take a pick now of your choice medical scrubs, uniforms, accessories, and footwear at our online scrub store and we will be glad paying you back with these biggest discounts.